Aromatherapy Playdough
Aromatherapy Play Dough Normally it would be the cold weather making us spend more time indoors, but as we all go through this global lockdown together, we find ourselves thrown into quite stressful times, where routines are suddenly disrupted and you find yourself...
Nine Reasons You Haven’t Got a dōTERRA Account YET!!
ESSENTIAL OILS Nine Reasons You Haven’t Got a dōTERRA account YET! You think you will have to order every month. Opening a dōTERRA wholesale account puts you under absolutely NO obligation to order every month, it just means that with a wholesale account you get our...
Aromatouch Technique
AromaTouch® Technique The AromaTouch Technique is a simple yet powerful way to provide every individual with an essential oil experience. Below is some information that I think will help explain the experience better and in more detail. The AromaTouch Technique...
Ōily Hōliday Make & Take Ideas
Get into the holiday spirit with these fun and easy Essential Oil Make & Take Ideas. Keep reading to learn how to make an Aromatherapy Neck Wrap, Soothing Foot Cream, Bath Salt Ornament, and Holiday Room Spray. They make the perfect gifts or use them for yourself...
5 Ways to Use the King of Oils!
The first time you heard of Frankincense may have been in the context of wise men presenting it to a baby. If it simply sounds like an obscure, outdated gift to you, then think again! Frankincense is often called the King of Oils, due to both its amazingly wide range...