Nine Reasons You Haven’t Got a dōTERRA account YET!
- You think you will have to order every month.
Opening a dōTERRA wholesale account puts you under absolutely NO obligation to order every month, it just means that with a wholesale account you get our products, delivered straight to your door at wholesale prices. It does not make sense to me, that anybody would insist on paying the retail price for something when you could get it at least 25% of not to mention how that saving increases even further when you start with one of the starter kits.
Now we do have an amazing and incredibly generous loyalty rewards program (known as LRP) for when you do choose to order regularly. These are not limited to essential oils and supplements but also includes your everyday items that you would normally have to buy anyway – items such as personal care products (deodorants, hair care, body creams and scrubs, shower gels and so much more), toothpaste, skin care, your cleaning products, and loads of things you’d normally buy from your local supermarket or pharmacy.
It is fully OPTIONAL and simply means that you can actually save up to a whopping 55% off the RRP over time. If, however, you are wanting to earn commissions (again this is totally optional) then you will need to place 100pv order each month – these orders are fully editable so you can change your mind add or remove items as you go along or it can be completely canceled at any time without any extra costs or even hassle. A quick call to customer services gets it all sorted. The great part about being part of the Loyalty Rewards Program is that you can choose to pay for these orders with your commission money, I only ever paid for my initial kit and 2 orders the following months, after that, everything else I’ve ever bought from dōTERRA has been paid for with my commissions or free with my product points.
Each product is given a product value (known as PV) which is shown next to the wholesale price. It is not pound – point as the company is global so has created a system that can be carried all over the world fair and square.
2. You don’t want to be forced into selling the oils and be a part of a pyramid scheme or worse – join the cult
This is 100% NOT true. There is definitely NO PRESSURE from me or any of my team for you to start selling oils in order to have a wholesale account. I do not like it myself so it’s not going to happen to you either. It is our aim to serve YOU and YOUR needs so if this means that you just want to use the oils for personal use, then this is how we will support you, if you are wanting to earn some extra cash, supplementing your income and even covering the costs of your oils, then this is how we will support, and if you are wanting to totally replace or multiply your income then of course this is how we will help you, educating and guiding you towards the right tools and resources, providing you with the knowledge and empowerment to make an informed choice about whether or not you would like to be a part of it all.
dōTERRA is not a pyramid scheme (those are actually illegal) and it most certainly is NOT a cult (sorry had to chuckle there as had visions of us all dancing around an open fire chanting to the essential ōil god of love). Joking apart, We all love our essential oils and truly value the company, the company values, the endless opportunities and of course the lovely like minded people it attracts but we are also realistic and know that essential oils are not the answer to everybody’s issues. They are not the cure for every complaint and although essential oils can support a person’s wellness including eating right, getting the right amount of sleep, reducing toxins, supporting your mood, movement, financial freedom (just to mention a few), we still do not make ridiculous claims of cures or advise to replace western medicine for an oil.
3. You don’t know how to use essential oils and think you won’t use them once you have them
One of the huge benefits of opening an account with a Wellness Advocate like me (or the person that introduced you to the oils) is the support and access to resources as well as all the information you get – if it’s not me or any or my team, then please check with the person you are joining with to find out what they provide.
Just before I opened my account I had the same concern that I wouldn’t really use them and what worried me even more was that I didn’t know how to use them as I had only ever thought of essential oils as nice smelling things you add to your oil burner. Now, I use multiple products on a daily basis and without a second thought. I struggle to imagine what my life would be like without them which is a far cry from a few years ago.
I was slightly different in that I wanted to incorporate the oils into my existing line of work which as a Holistic Wellness practitioner, seemed to make perfect sense to me. So I knew from the start that I wanted to do this as a business rather than just a customer. Was I worried that I didn’t know enough to be able to share and sell the oils to others? YES Of course I was worried but once you start to use them daily it becomes such second nature to you to want to share and before you know it you are selling – even thought you are NOT SELLING.
You should be an expert first! Absolutely not true!
It’s not about knowing everything about every essential oil and product, not everybody is an aromatherapist or reiki and crystal practitioner like myself – It’s about giving the people you meet along the way some simple and basic information using the resources you have at hand and then educating them so they are able to find the information they need to empower themselves! All training is provided by myself and my team and you will be surprised how much you learn once you begin to use (and share) the oils yourself.
I am proud to state here that I feel I have created an amazing Facebook group for my the community as well as a VIP members only group for my team – both are filled with resources and webinars to educate and empower people about the essential oils and products. There are always information on classes and training events. I highly recommend the Essential Life book as well as the Modern Essentials app as both provide comprehensive information. I love the app and find it perfect addition for when I am out and about because I can look something up on my smart phone or tablet and right there and then, have details instructions on the protocol and how to use it.
Everybody that knows me well will vouch that I am a daily oil user and I get my monies worth. I take OnGuard hand sanitiser spray EVERYWHERE with me and use this whenever I need to clean my hands after using public transport – especially at the moment with everything going on in the world. I use oils to balance my moods, keeping me calm and centred and other times i will use oils to uplift and inspire me. I wake up and I have my own skin routine with the Skin care system collection with anti-agin moisturiser (when you hit 48 in a couple of weeks you need all the anti-aging support you can find and then i brush my teeth with the OnGuard toothpaste, chasing with the on Guard mouthwash. I make my Slim and Sassy shake instead of breakfast and then I can take my LLV supplements. I always have my keychain on hand so I have what I need everywhere I go, I always carry the 6 oils from the Emotional Aromatics kit as well as Wild Orange and Lemon.
The Wild Orange and Lemon are what I add to my water throughout the day to keep my internal organs nice and clean and free from toxins.
4. They cost way too much and you think you will not afford them
dōTERRA prices are in fact very competitive within the essential oil market. If you look at all the factors – sourcing the plants from their natural environment from all over the world, the fact that we know the purity of the oils as we (well maybe not me) know the farmers by name and unlike so many other essential oil companies who buy from the middle, middle man, so will not have been able to form a strong trusting relationship (if any at all) – I know we are getting the best value for the money we pay as well as the best quality and purest oils.
You will not be the first person to say to me, that you think the prices are increased to compensate the Wellness Advocates who are actually selling the oils. This is absolutely not true. All dōTERRA does is take the same budget that other companies allocate for TV advertising, magazines, radio and so on and instead choose to invest this budget in people like you and I, who are advertising their product via workshops, classes, social media such as Instagram or Facebook, and of course my favourite – word of mouth. Quite simply put, it’s the same budget just utilised differently. The way I see it, word of mouth is by far the most effective form of advertising and it doesn’t matter where you live in the world its always the same. For example – you go to see a show and you love it, so you tell your friends, you post pictures on social media and you rave about it. This would also be case with essential oils. You tell your friends and family, they see how its benefited you and they want to open a wholesale account so they can pay the same as you do and you the bonus is that you get paid for the privilege of telling them about something you would’ve shared with them anyway – it’s a no brainer!!
I believe that getting my priorities right is the best way to approach everything in life. there is no better feeling than investing in mine and those I love – it is the best way forward.
With the 15ml bottles there are approximately 250 drops of pure essential oil – no added anything so you only need a couple of drops at any given time (some will need to be used with a carrier oil such as Fractionated Coconut Oil). There are starter kits like the one I started with – The Home Essential oil Kit. By opting to start with kits like this you are literally looking at pennies per drop, Lavender for example is £0.08 pence per drop, even Frankincense, the most expensive oil in the kit is £0.28 pence per drop. When used appropriately your oils will last and you won’t even question the investment once you have them in your life. I feel empowered knowing that I can help myself and my family the natural, non-toxic way.
5. They aren’t Certified Organic – ‘CPTG’ is made up
It’s true, essential oils are not Certified Organic, but this is because the organic certification is not available in many of the countries we source from. Getting this from each farmer/country/state would shoot the prices up so high it would not be cost effective.
Unfortunately the essential oil industry is extremely unregulated which is why dōTERRA went on to create their own standards. So what does that mean – what does it involve?
It means that each and every individual batch is third party tested. This means that it’s not just dōTERRA making the statement and that different companies check their findings and then can confirm that YES it’s true. Because of these independent parties, we can honestly say that we have the purest, most potent essential oils on the planet! Bottom line is that our essential oils are 100% pure, there are no added synthetics, no pesticides, chemicals or anything else you might be concerned about when looking in an organic certification within our products.
6. There is no science to prove that essential oils actually work
This makes me smile when I hear people say this because it’s no longer a true statement. Essential oils are fast becoming more and more mainstream by the day and now have the science reports as well as the research to back their efficacy.
In fact because our essential oils are so pure where the potency and therapeutic value can be trusted, they are being used in hospitals in the USA and these are expanding to other parts of the world (including the UK)
Essential oils truly do work on the cellular level. Much greater detail is available in the Essential Life book or the Modern Essentials app (for smart phones) which are amazing resources for anyone wanting to learn more and explore the world of essential oils.
7. They are dangerous to use and you aren’t qualified to use them
Again, I feel I must disagree with this statement. One of the reasons why I started using essential oils for myself and my family is that I would rather be safe than sorry. Once you actually look into the ingredients not to mention the side effects of the conventional products you can readily buy over the counter I know which I would rather use. Ensuring you understand how to use essential oils safely and effectively is a must and this is where we (myself and my team) are ready to help direct you and guide you, teach you and provide you with all the necessary resources available out there.
A big concern when it comes to using essential oils is skin sensitivity. This can easily be avoided when you use a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil as I mentioned above.
Guidelines suggest – 1 drop of essential oil to 10ml of carrier oil for infants, one drop essential oil to 5ml carrier oil for children and one drop essential oil to 2ml carrier oil for adults.
These are just guidelines and every person/situation is different, but I always advise this when using essential oils for topical use as it not only saves money, but it goes a lot further and reduces risk of skin sensitivity. Should you apply an essential oil directly to the skin, because essential oils are volatile (meaning it easily evaporates and normal room temperatures) so by using a carrier oil, it actually increases the effectiveness of applying your essential oil to the body.
Ultimately we are not treating, curing, diagnosing, preventing or prescribing essential oils to anyone. we are not doctors (although some of my customers are medically trained) It is very important that people understand how to use oils safely (which we support them to understand) and that they check with their health care practitioner if they have any concerns.
Essential oils are safe to use with most medications, again check with your health care practitioner for specifics.
8. You already buy a different brand of essential oils
If this is you, and you already buy and love a different brand of essential oils that’s fantastic! I would just love to encourage people to have an open mind and be willing to experience something new, see what you think and try our single and proprietary blends. I know you will be surprised once you realise how pure our oils truly are.
9. Your husband (partner) is sceptic and doesn’t want you to waste money
It’s not always possible due to life and work commitments to come to class or workshops together, but where possible, it would be a fantastic idea to have your partner experience the essential oils for themselves. It’s been said that Deep Blue is known as the ‘man converter’ for a reason. Nothing compares to it when supporting those sore/aching/tense muscles.
Another fun and effective way to get them on board is to go the old fashioned way and have a genuine, open conversation about why this is so important to you. I find that sitting down and just chatting honestly, explaining how you feel this would be an investment for the family, it can really help. You could show them this article as they probably will raise most of these points but also let them browse through this website. Other suggestions would be, maybe watch some videos on youtube with them and if they still need to hear more, invite them to an evening workshop.
I hope this post has helped give you a greater understanding of the truth and possibilities with dōTERRA. If you are ready to open your very own wholesale account head over to the contact form or send me an email at youroilfairy@gmail.com if you have any questions (or contact the person who introduced you to the oils).